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Chinese translation for "lead cast"


Related Translations:
casting:  n.1.投,掷。2.【冶金】铸造;铸件。3.【动物;动物学】脱弃,脱落物〔如毛、皮等〕。4.计算。5.想法,手法。6.(木材等的)翘曲。7.【戏剧】配角。
cast:  vt.(cast; cast)1.投,扔,掷,抛。 ★此义动词通常用 throw, cast 只用于若干特殊句子。2.丢弃,抛弃;脱掉(衣服);(蛇)脱(皮),(鸟)换(毛),(鹿)换(角);(树)落(叶);(马)脱落(掌铁)。3.(兽)早产,(果树)落(果)。4.【冶金】浇铸,铸造;【印刷】把(纸型)浇成铅版。5.计算;合计。6.【戏剧】分配(角色),选派(角色)。7.【
Example Sentences:
1.Other leading cast members , including chen hong , gillian chung and japanese actor masanobu ando , were all at the press conference and explained their role in the film
2.We have compiled our filmography based on details researched from newspaper film advertisements . at the time , such advertisements contained the credits of leading cast and crew but compared with the advertisements of the present day , they were much more forthcoming with synopses and other credit details such as theme songs , the name of composers and lyricists , the orchestra leaders , and the singers
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